Looking for additional support or training for your group? Request a workshop using the button below. 

What workshops are available?

Leadership Redefined: This presentation examines concepts of leadership and followership with interactive activities to better understand what is required of leaders in today’s society.

Leadership & Self-Awareness: This workshop dives deep into personal definitions and exhibitions of leadership in our everyday lives including topics surrounding well-being, self-care, emotional intelligence, personal growth, values, and self-awareness.

Strengths-Based Leadership: This workshop covers topics of individual and team strengths. Please note this workshop requires participants to purchase and take the CliftonStrengths assessments prior to the workshop date.

Collaborative Leadership: This workshop seeks to answer the questions: what does it mean to effectively work in a team? How do group dynamics shift and change with new leadership? How can members be leaders without a position or title?

Leadership & Purpose: This workshop walks through activities that aim at aligning the purpose of an organization or group to individual purpose and building a meaningful life and experience at UGA.

Other: Don’t see what you are looking for? You’ll have the opportunity to specify what you’d like to see out of a workshop on the form below.

What happens when I request a workshop?

When you request a workshop, a staff member from Engagement, Leadership, and Service will collaborate with you or your organization to design a workshop session that is tailored to your goals. Whether you’re looking to strengthen leadership skills, foster team collaboration, identify a shared vision, or explore personal development, staff from ELS can facilitate a customized workshop to support your organizational or group success. 

On the form, you will be asked to select days and time that work for your group, provide some details, and select the topic(s) you’d like the presenter to facilitate. A staff member will follow up with you on your request within 5 business days.