The Student Organization Manual provides an overview of policies, practices, and guidelines for registered student organizations at the University of Georgia.
Last Updated 1/9/24
Registered Student Organization Overview
Student Organization General Policies
The purpose of registered student organizations at UGA is to complement academic programs of study and to enhance the overall educational experience of students through development, exposure to, and participation in social, cultural, intellectual, and recreational activities. Registration of student groups is necessary before university facilities and/or services (including access to funding) will be available. Registration is facilitated through Engagement, Leadership, and Service.
Registration as a student organization at the University of Georgia is a privilege and not a right, and entails responsibilities on the part of the student organization and its members. Registration signifies a willingness on the part of the student organization to comply with state law and the rules, regulations, and policies of the University and the Board of Regents. Registration of a student organization does not constitute endorsement by the University or approval of the student organization’s policies and activities.
Registration as a student organization does not result in the student organization becoming a part of the University for any legal purpose. As a result, student organizations and their members could be individually liable for injury caused by the organization’s implemented activities. Student organizations should exercise risk management and liability mitigation practices.
Eligible student organizations (as defined below) are permitted to register and required to renew registration annually during the registration periods identified in the next section of the Policy.
The University’s review of a student organization’s initial registration or registration renewal is conducted on a content-neutral basis. Therefore, the University’s approval or denial of a registration filing is not based on the mission, goals, or beliefs of the student organization requesting registration. However, a student organization will not be permitted to register or renew its registration if the University finds that the student organization:
- Seeks to accomplish its objectives, goals, purposes, or activities through the use or promotion of violence; or
- Engages in activities that materially or substantially interfere with the discipline and normal activities of the University or with the rights of others, including activities that present a danger to property, personnel, and/or the orderly functioning of the University; or
- Seeks personal gain; or
- Refuses to comply with federal or state laws, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Board of Regents’ policy, and/or University rules and regulations, including the University’s Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Code of Conduct.
In addition to a student organization’s obligation to comply with these four basic requirements, a registered student organization may have its registration denied or revoked at any time for failure to comply with any of the expectations and obligations set forth and/or referenced in this Policy. Factors the University considers in a decision to deny or revoke a student organization’s registration would include, but would not be limited to, the following:
- Failure to provide all necessary registration information to Engagement, Leadership, and Service;
- Individual members’ past conduct, the student organization’s past conduct, or the student organization’s stated objectives, to the extent any of the foregoing indicate an unwillingness or inability to comply with the four basic requirements for registration outlined above;
- Failure to meet financial obligations to the University;
- Failure to, or a stated intention not to, adhere to University rules, regulations and policies; and
- Failure to, or a stated intention not to, adhere to local, state, or federal laws.
A student organization whose registration has been revoked loses all privileges of registered student organizations. If registration is denied or revoked by Engagement, Leadership, and Service, the student organization may appeal the decision to the Associate Dean of Students, unless the denial or revocation was initiated under the Code of Conduct, in which case appeals would be handled in accordance with the Code of Conduct.
Student Organization Definition and Benefits
Definition of a Student Organization
- Basic Requirements: A student organization is a group of at least six UGA students joined together for a common purpose.
- Membership Requirements: General membership may be comprised of both full- and part-time UGA students.
- At least two members must be officers.
- Only students who have paid their Student Activity Fee may serve as officers.
- Community members are not considered members of the organization and are not authorized to receive the benefits of membership in a registered student organization.
- Advisors: While it is not required, it can be beneficial for student organizations to have one or more advisors, who may be University faculty or staff. Should a registered student organization select a community member to serve in an advisory role, it is understood by the organization that the community member will not be recognized by the University of Georgia.
Benefits of Registering Your Student Organization
Registered student organizations enjoy the following privileges and benefits:
- Being listed as a student organization on the Involvement Network and having access to promote events, share news, manage your roster, etc.
- The ability to reserve space on campus, such as the Tate Student Center, the Miller Learning Center, and the Chapel.
- Fundraise on campus (upon approval).
- Apply for storage space through Engagement, Leadership, and Service.
- Advertise on campus, e.g., posting flyers on approved posting locations, printing bus cards, and hanging banners in compliance with posting guidelines.
- Eligibility for a UGA organizational email address.
- Eligibility for a website through the University.
- The ability to establish a University account with the Student Affairs Business Office, which may enable your student organization to direct bill certain charges.
- Opportunity to participate in the student engagement fairs.
- Post events and receive updates via the weekly student organizations listserv.
- Apply for funds through the One-Time Allocations process (coordinated by the Student Government Association), the annual All-Campus Allocations process, or academic college or student affairs department, if applicable.
- Increase leadership skills through workshops hosted by ELS.
- Utilize ELS staff for general organization advisement.
Student Organization Requirements and Registration
How to Register a New or Existing Organization
Student organizations must register annually with Engagement, Leadership, and Service in order to receive the benefits of being a student organization. Registration for the upcoming academic year will open during the preceding spring each year. Approved registration allows a student organization to be active for one academic year, contingent upon compliance with the expectations and obligations set forth in this manual.
Requirements of Registered Student Organizations
- Registration: Student organizations must register using the online registration process found on the Involvement Network at The registration process must be completed by a student organization’s chief officer (e.g. president, executive director, etc.) as required by ELS.
- Good Financial Standing: The student organization must be in good financial standing with the University (i.e.: must not have any outstanding fees with an office or department on campus).
- Governing Documents:
- Each student organization must have an ELS-approved constitution.
- The constitution serves as the guiding document for governing the student organization.
- To gain approval by ELS, all constitutions must include the following:
- The University of Georgia student organizations’ “Non-Discrimination Policy”: “Membership and all privileges, including voting and officer positions, must be extended to all students without regard to race, color, sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or national origin, religion, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status. Membership and all privileges, including voting and officer positions, must be extended to all students as stated in the University of Georgia Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects people from discrimination based on race, color or national origin in programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. Title IX states that: No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
- Notwithstanding the foregoing:
- Religious student organizations will not be denied registration solely because they limit membership or leadership positions to students who share the same religious beliefs.
- Student organizations which qualify as social fraternities or sororities under Title IX of the U.S. Education Act Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. § 1681(a)(6)(A)) will not be denied registration solely because they limit membership or leadership positions on the basis of sex as permitted by Title IX and its implementing regulations.
- Notwithstanding the foregoing:
- Quorum standards (percentage of members necessary to conduct business)
- Statement that defines who is eligible to be a member of the organization. While non-students may be permitted to join registered student organizations, it should be clarified that only UGA student members may vote on organizational business and count towards quorum, if applicable.
- Statement expressing that only students who have paid their Student Activity Fee may serve as officers
- Officer election and removal procedures (specific vote requirements)
- A process (including voting requirements) for making amendments to the constitution
- The University of Georgia student organizations’ “Non-Discrimination Policy”: “Membership and all privileges, including voting and officer positions, must be extended to all students without regard to race, color, sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or national origin, religion, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status. Membership and all privileges, including voting and officer positions, must be extended to all students as stated in the University of Georgia Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects people from discrimination based on race, color or national origin in programs or activities that receive Federal financial assistance. Title IX states that: No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
The Student Organization Manual, UGA and Board of Regents policies, and local, state, and federal laws, supersede the terms of any conflicting or inconsistent provisions in individual student organization constitutions or other governing documents, including those from a national organization. Student organizations are responsible for ensuring compliance with the Student Organization Manual, UGA and Board of Regents policies, and local, state, and federal laws.
- An example constitution can be found on the ELS Website.
- Submission of a registration request verifies that a student organization has reviewed and agrees with the following University policies, in addition to other University rules, regulations and policies that may be applicable:
Responsibilities of Registered Student Organizations
- Re-register your organization on an annual basis
- Ensure that all activities of the organization comply with local, state, and federal laws, as well as University policies and regulations
- Follow the Code of Conduct
- Refrain from hazing members or those associated with your organization
- Comply with the University’s Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
- Abide by the University Trademark Policy and follow the logo Approval Process
- Ensure that all solicitation and fundraising requests are in line with the University Solicitation Policy and have been approved by ELS
- Register any program/event involving minors per the Policy for Programs and Activities Serving Minors
- Accept responsibility for sponsoring and supervising programs run by your student organization
- Accept responsibility for ensuring that facilities are used in accordance with University policy
- Accept responsibility for reimbursing the University of Georgia for damage to University property or facilities including such items as clean-up costs, damaged property, or other contingencies related to the utilization of University facilities
- Be in good financial standing with the University by promptly handling any outstanding debts to offices or departments
- Maintain active, up-to-date files with Engagement, Leadership, and Service, including, but not limited to, membership roster, constitution, and related registration materials
- Be familiar with the rights and responsibilities outlined in this Student Organization Manual
Resources for Registered Student Organizations
Engagement, Leadership, and Service
Engagement, Leadership, and Service (ELS) seeks to deliver programs, services, events, and significant learning experiences which strengthen students’ connection to the University, cultivate a sense of community, and empower students to be engaged and contributing leaders.
ELS believes student engagement is a pivotal part of an enriched collegiate experience. With ELS, students can join student organizations, participate in and lead service opportunities, engage with leadership trainings and content, coordinate and attend multiple events on campus, and so much more.
Location and Contact Information
Engagement, Leadership, and Service
102 Tate Student Center
Athens, GA 30602
Web| Email
Telephone (706) 542-6396 | Fax (706) 542-5584
Engagement, Leadership, and Service (ELS) staff members are available to assist registered student organizations, including assistance with the initial registration process, over the course of the year for general advising. Staff drop-in hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To set up an appointment with a member of the ELS staff, please email or call (706) 542-6396.
Involvement Network
Registered organizations will have a page available through the Involvement Network. The Involvement Network serves as a database of registered student organizations as well as a resource for student organizations to manage their student membership roster, submit forms and event announcements, post news, hold elections, etc.
Involvement Listserv
The email address that a student organization registers will often be utilized throughout the academic year. It is important for this email address to be accurate and checked often. This email address will:
- Receive the weekly listserv;
- Be used for any communication with ELS staff; and
- Be listed on the Involvement Network website as the organizational contact email.
The student involvement listserv is sent weekly to provide the UGA community information about the upcoming programming for student organizations and students. Those listed as the primary, secondary, and advisors on the Involvement Network will receive the weekly listserv email. Others may opt-in to receive the listserv using the Listserv Sign-Up Form. Organizations are encouraged to submit announcements via the Student Organization Support Request Form, also available on the homepage of the Involvement Network.
Student Organization Mailboxes
All student organizations will be required to provide Engagement, Leadership, and Service with a non-residential physical mailing address. Student organizations may request a free mailbox that ELS provides. Other forms of acceptable non-residential mailing addresses include a departmental mailbox or an advisor’s mailbox. Residence halls, apartment complexes, and residential addresses may not be used.
Please note that fraternity/sorority houses and religious centers typically do not receive campus mail and, therefore, are not considered on-campus addresses. Student organizations will receive campus and postal mail, as well as information from other student organizations or campus departments in their designated mailbox. In the case of student organizations that choose to use the free mailbox provided by ELS, the ELS staff reserve the right to discard mail left in a student organization’s mailbox area for over one semester. Additionally, all mailboxes are emptied after the academic year is complete. All student organizations that choose to have an ELS mailbox will be required to check it regularly.
If using an ELS mailbox, student organizations should ensure that all student organizational mail is labeled as follows:
“Organization Name”
102 Tate Student Center
Athens, GA 30602
Student Organization Websites
The University division of Enterprise Information Technology Services (EITS) offers resources and services to student organizations such as developing webpages. Student organizations developing webpages on EITS-provided facilities are expected to maintain the currency of their page content and conform to the University of Georgia computer usage Policies, Standards, and Guidelines for web use.
Each student organization is required to have a Unit Administrator responsible for the allotted webpage. It is preferred that the Unit Administrator be a staff or faculty member. If this is not possible, a faculty or staff member must sponsor the Unit Administrator. More information about the Unit Administrator, as well as other computer usage policies and regulations are available here. All student organizations must adhere to the policies outlined by EITS. To request organizational web space, fill out the UGA Web Account Request form.
Student Organization Email
Registered student organizations have the ability to establish organizational email accounts providing that the work of a student organization relates directly to or is in support of the University of Georgia or University System of Georgia sponsored activities. Students requesting a MyID for a student organization must have their advisor complete the MyID Account Request form.
Student Organization Listserv
By using a UGA listserv, student organizations can use one email address to send information to all subscribed members. For more information about establishing an organizational listserv, complete the New Listserv Request Form.
ELS Organization Space
Engagement, Leadership, and Service provides various options for student organization space and storage. The general student organization space (located in 102 Tate Student Center) is available for use by registered student organization leaders on a first come, first serve basis. Registered student organizations must apply for storage space in ELS each spring semester for the following academic year.
UGA Policies and the Code of Conduct
Policies Overview and Sanctions
Student organizations are expected to adhere to the policies outlined by the University of Georgia.
In addition, student organizations are also responsible for the information published in the Code of Conduct. Possible student organization sanctions for violating University policy, the Code of Conduct, or this Student Organization Policy Manual include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Recommendation for charter revocation
- An official request to a national office that the local chapter’s charter be revoked
- Revocation of University registration
- Permanent severance of the student organization’s relationship with the University
- Suspension of University registration
- Temporary severance of the student organization’s relationship with the University for a period of time. The period of time and any requirements, which must be satisfied prior to re-registration, must be specified in the decision of the hearing panel
- Probation
- Notice that further finding of responsibility for the violation of any University conduct regulation(s) as specified in the decision of the hearing panel or informal resolution agreement will likely result in suspension of revocation of University registration. The period of probation shall be specified in the decision of the hearing panel or the informal resolution agreement
- Reprimand
- Warning issued to the student organization
- Restitution
- Reimbursement for a loss caused by the student organization’s actions
- Community service
- Assignment to work a specific number of hours at a community service site determined by the judicial board and/or the Office of Student Conduct
- Restrictions
- Restriction of some or all of the student organization’s activities or privileges, including, but not limited to, social privileges and recruitment privileges
- Other educational sanctions
- Projects or assignments designed to educate an organization in connection with the effect of its member(s)’s actions. Educational assignments include, but are not limited to, alcohol awareness programs and/or risk management programs
- Other sanctions modified to meet the particular circumstances of a given situation
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
Every member of the University Community is expected to uphold the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment (NDAH) Policy as a matter of mutual respect and fundamental fairness in human relations. During the registration process, each organization will be required to include a reference to the University’s Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment policy in their constitution, as described above under registration requirements.
If you have knowledge of or believe you have experienced discrimination, harassment, or retaliation that is prohibited under the University’s Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy, please submit the complaint to the Equal Opportunity Office by completing the NDAH Complaint Form, calling 706-542-7912 or emailing
The full text of the University of Georgia Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy can be found here.
Hazing Policy
Hazing is defined by the Code of Conduct as any intentional, negligent or reckless action, activity or situation that is:
- Forced, required, or otherwise expected of someone in connection with initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership in a student organization, regardless of the individual’s willingness to participate; AND
- Endangers or is likely to endanger the physical health of an individual; causes an individual pain, embarrassment, ridicule, harassment, or severe emotional distress; and/or meets the definition of “hazing” under applicable Georgia law, including but not limited to the “Max Gruver Act” (
Such actions, activities and situations include, but are not limited to:
- Consumption (e.g., alcohol, drugs, food or any other substance);
- Physical abuse, harm or injury (e.g., paddling, beating, whipping, and calisthenics such as pushups, sit-ups, jogging, running, etc.);
- Disruption of academic pursuits or endeavors (e.g., road trips, scavenger hunts, not allowing adequate time for study, causing sleep deprivation);
- Degrading activities (e.g., line-ups, berating, nudity, sexual misconduct, acts of personal servitude for members such as driving to class, cleaning individual rooms, serving meals, washing cars, running errands, laundry, etc.); and
- Violation of University policies, or federal, state or local laws (e.g., theft or destruction of property).
Reporting a Hazing Incident
If you are a victim of hazing or need to report hazing activity you have witnessed, please call:
- UGA Police: 706-542-2200
- Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs: 706-542-3564
- Office of Student Conduct: 706-542-1131
- Greek Life Hazing Hotline: 706-207-0779
- Engagement, Leadership, and Service: 706-542-6396
- UGA Student Complaints Portal:
Financial Resources and Policies
University Funding
There is a variety of ways that student organizations can fund their efforts. Student organizations are not guaranteed funding when their registration is approved. ELS staff are willing to meet with any student organization looking to explore the different funding options available. In addition to fundraising for your organization, there are a variety of ways that your organization can receive funds from the University. Each of these accounts/allocations processes carries with them a variety of responsibilities and expectations.
Student Activity Fees
Organizations can request Student Activity Fee funding through the established All-Campus Allocations process. They must qualify per the Student Activity Fee Guidelines and all financial transactions must adhere to these guidelines. All unexpended fund balances as of June 30 of each year will be recalled. Organizations that receive Student Activity Fees will have an account with the Student Affairs Business Office located in the Tate Student Center.
Student Government Association One-Time Allocations
The Student Government Association (SGA) receives funding to allocate to any student organizations. Further, all new organizations are required to request funds of the SGA One-Time Allocations Committee for two consecutive years prior to requesting All-Campus Allocations. This helps familiarize student organizations with the funding process at UGA. To find out more information about One-Time Allocations, please visit SGA’s website.
Agency Accounts
Registered student organizations can open an Agency Account in the Student Affairs Business Office (unless the organization receives Student Activity Fee funding through All-Campus Allocations). An Agency Account is an on-campus account where all of the spending decisions are made by the student organization and the University simply helps facilitate the transactions, serves as a custodian of the funds, and ensures that USG policies are followed. Income deposited into Agency Accounts is usually generated from membership dues, donations, fundraising activities, or ticket sales. Organizations with Agency Accounts can make deposits in the Business Office in Tate Student Center. These funds can be spent through intra-university charges (like CRETS or Print & Copy Services), through UGAmart (vendors include Amazon, Staples, and more), with payment requests for vendor invoices, and through reimbursements for individuals. More information can be found here.
Student Affairs Business Office
The Student Affairs Business Office oversees finances for student organizations that receive Student Activity Fee funding and organizations that choose to open an on-campus Agency Account. The Student Affairs Business Office is located on the first floor of the Tate Student Center. Please go here for more information:
Role of Advisor with Private Financial Account
Advisors employed by the University of Georgia may advise organizations concerning management of their off-campus bank accounts. However, no employee of the university has the authority to (a) open a bank account in the name of or for the benefit of any student organization, (b) be included as an allowable signatory on any off-campus bank account of any student organization, or (c) have access to funds (including, but not limited to, depositing, withdrawing, or spending funds) associated with any off-campus bank account of any student organization, and student organizations cannot permit employees of the University to do any of the foregoing on behalf of the student organization.
The student organization is responsible for ensuring that university employees, whether advisors to the student organization or otherwise, are not given access or control of the student organization’s private bank accounts.
Use of University facilities or grounds for fundraising must be approved by Engagement, Leadership, and Service. Requests for approval must be submitted online to Engagement, Leadership, and Service at least five business days in advance of the event. A Fundraising/Collection Request can be submitted via the Student Organization Support Request Form, found on the Involvement Network.
All approved student organization fundraisers will be assigned a permit number, which should be available during the fundraiser.
Fundraising as it pertains to student organizations is defined as any on-campus exchange of goods. This includes, but is not limited to bake sales, book drives, ticket sales, canned food drives, clothing drives, and similar activities.
Approval is neutral to the content and viewpoint of the fundraising activity. Additionally, it is based on compliance with the following guidelines:
- Projects may not in any way interfere with normal academic programs or functions.
- Fundraising requests should be submitted to Engagement, Leadership & Service at least five business days prior to the proposed event. The applications to fundraise on campus can be obtained online at
- All fundraisers will be assigned a permit upon approval.
- In addition to completing the fundraising request form, student organizations must obtain space reservations through Campus Reservations, Events, and Technical Services (CRETS). Approval of a fundraising request does not constitute space allocation approval. You need to receive fundraising approval from ELS before placing a reservation with CRETS if your organization plans to fundraise or solicit in any way during a meeting/event.
- The proposed fundraising project must not interfere with existing University-operated services or contracts. Additional information can be found in the UGA Solicitation Policy.
- Fundraising requests will not be granted for the personal benefit of an individual.
- Fundraising at UGA Athletic Association events is prohibited.
- The Student Affairs Business Office has tips for fundraising for groups with Agency Accounts or Student Activity Fee allocations:
The following actions are prohibited while fundraising:
- Personal gain
- Door-to-door residence hall contact
- Use of the campus mail service
- The use of coercive acts that might intimidate those persons from whom support is sought
The Athens-Clarke County Police Department must approve all street closings for fundraising events such as street dances, road races, or any other activities taking place on city streets. The Application for Special Event Permit should be submitted to the Central Services Department no less than two months prior to the date of the event.
Programming and Event Planning
Campus Reservations
- Campus Reservations, Event, and Technical Services Office (CRETS) oversees the reservation of space on campus.
- In addition to facility space, CRETS also handles promotional space such as all outdoor banner areas, electronic marquees in the Tate Student Center, and promotional table reservations.
- There are fees associated with many facility and equipment rentals for student organizations at UGA. Please consult CRETS for more information about the fees and payment instructions.
Reservations can be made through CRETS at
- The chief officer of the student organization will be copied on all reservations in order to ensure that space is being reserved for student organization purposes.
- The office is located in 121 Tate Student Center, the phone number is 706-583-8020, and the email address is
- Student organizations may make reservations in the Tate Student Center and Memorial Hall as early as six (6) months prior to their event.
- Student organizations may make reservations in the Miller Learning Center or other academic buildings one (1) month in advance.
- The minimum amount of time required for a reservation request is five business days.
- In the event of cancellation, reservations must be cancelled at least three business days prior to the event. Failure to do so will result in the organization being charged for all event charges or a penalty fee.
Failure to comply with University of Georgia policies or federal, state, and local law may result in the cancellation of future existing reservations and/or restriction from the use of University facilities.
Event Ticket Sales
Student Organizations can sell tickets online and printed tickets through the UGA OneCard Office. A link can be provided for attendees to purchase tickets for events online or tickets can be printed and sold at the OneCard Office on Floor 3 of the Tate Student Center. More information about selling tickets can be found here:
Film Screenings
Student organizations must obtain permissions from the copyright owner or obtain a license in order to show a movie. Owning your own copy of a movie does not grant you these permissions. The following two companies, among others, sell licenses to films for public viewing:
Swank Motion Pictures 1-800-876-5577
Criterion Pictures USA 1-800-890-9494
Purchasing a license allows your student organization to show the film. Costs can range from $300-$1,100. Failure to purchase a license or otherwise secure copyright permission before showing a film could result in the student organization violating federal copyright law and could impact your status as a registered student organization.
Policy for Programs and Activities Serving Minors
The University of Georgia is committed to providing a safe environment for all minors participating in programs and activities on campus or otherwise affiliated with the University. In accordance with this commitment the University adopted a Policy for Programs and Activities Serving Minors in May of 2017, and it extends to all University-sponsored programs/activities, including all registered student organization programs/activities, as well as any third-party organizations that utilize University facilities for programs and activities serving minors (defined as persons under the age of 18 years) who are not UGA students. The Policy may be found at
Applicability to Registered Student Organizations
The Policy covers all registered student organization programs/activities involving minors. This includes both on campus and off campus events. If your organization is hosting any events involving minors, the Policy will most likely apply. There are some exceptions (e.g., primarily if the parents/guardians maintain supervision throughout the event; or if you are working in a local school and the teachers maintain supervision throughout the event).
Reminder of Minors Policy Requirements
Each program/activity must meet the following minimum requirements: approval, annual registration, background investigations, training, and records retention. Program Administrators (for student organizations, this would be the event leader or the student organization leader) develop and determine content and training appropriate to the program/activity, must obtain signed approval from an approving official (Vice President, Dean, Director, or Department Head), and upload the approval form during the annual registration process. If student leaders need assistance with identifying their approving official, contact the Director of Compliance at Registration and approval information is available here:
Program staff who have direct contact with minors must undergo a background investigation and complete required training prior to working with minors. Program staff includes University students, University employees, and external volunteers. Background investigation information is available here: Program staff must also complete required training on Mandated Reporter, Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment, and Code of Conduct. Training information is available at
Program/Activity Administrators, with assistance from Department leadership, are responsible for maintaining records in accordance with Board of Regents and UGA policies. Centralized record keeping at a Departmental level is recommended. More information is available at
Please refer to the Policy for full details. Failure to comply with the Policy requirements will result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Policy.
Additional Policy Resources
Beyond the minimum requirements outlined above, we encourage Program/Activity Administrators to review additional considerations and best practices outlined on the Policy website. Please review program resources, sample forms, and FAQs here:
Policy Ownership and Contact Information
The Policy is administered by Public Service and Outreach. Please contact Brian Stone, Director of Compliance, at or 706-542-7255 if you have any questions or need additional information.
International Travel
Student Organizations that participate in international travel as a group activity should register their travel with the Office of Global Engagement (OGE). All students participating in international travel should complete an online travel registration and self-enroll in international insurance.
Please contact the Assistant Director for Global Risk, Health and Safety at or 706-542-2900 for more information and for instructions about how to register and purchase insurance. Student Organizations can also access general information about international health and safety from the UGA StudyAway website,
Freedom of Expression and Assembly
No rights are more highly regarded at the University of Georgia than the First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech and expression, and the right to assemble peaceably. Such opportunities must be provided on an equal basis and adhere to the basic principle of the University’s being neutral to the content and viewpoint of any expression. In order to achieve this objective, while at the same time fulfilling its educational mission, the University may regulate the time, place, and manner of expression as outlined in this policy. These regulations are intended to facilitate expressive activity protected by the First Amendment, while avoiding undue disruption of University activities, protecting and preserving University property, and providing a safe campus environment for all members of the University community and for individuals engaged in expressive activity. For more information, please review the Freedom of Expression and Assembly Policy.
Advertising and Publicity
University Trademarks
Registered student organizations are permitted to use some images, logos, words and phrases, and marks of the University with approval. The Trademarks Policy can be found here:
Steps for seeking approval for usage of a UGA logo or trademark can be found here:
The University of Georgia Logo and Trademark policy serves to protect the visual representation of the character of the University. The logo system and associated policies give the University a consistent visual image that makes it easy for many audiences to recognize the University and to clearly identify specific policies associated with the University.
For more specific information and the official University policy regarding logos and trademarks, please see the Trademark Policy. If you have questions regarding commercial co-sponsoring or advertising, contact the Division of Marketing & Communications at 706-542-8090.
Posting Flyers
Flyers Requirements and Regulations:
- Tate Student Center and Memorial Hall:
- Up to six 11×17 posters may be submitted from any registered student organization.
- Poster or flyers posted in the Tate Student Center and Memorial hall must be approved by the information desk or information desk supervisor. The information desk has the right to deny any flyers, ads, brochures, etc.
- All posters in these buildings will be posted by employees.
- Any posters that are posted without the approval of the information desk will be removed and discarded. Brochures or pamphlets may also be submitted to the information desk to be placed in brochure racks.
- Poster-sized advertisements may be placed in glass display cases as space permits.
- Interior bulletin boards: Interior bulletin boards are subject to the approval of the department overseeing the bulletin board. Boards that are specified for use by certain groups or departments are not available for general posting. Check with the department office of each building for poster approval.
- Exterior bulletin boards: Exterior bulletin boards are located at various locations around campus. Some boards may have names of campus groups on them that reserve that board for that. No advertisements may be placed on banner boards in front of the Tate Student Center, Memorial Hall, or Physics building without a reservation.
- Residence halls: Student organizations may submit up to 142 copies of a flyer to the University Housing office for posting in the residence halls.
- Please drop off flyers two weeks in advance to ensure their hanging.
- Any unapproved signs found posted in the UGA residence halls will be removed.
- Nothing may be posted on any surface that is a not an approved bulletin board. Anything posted in these areas will be immediately removed. Organizations that violate this policy can be subject to fines and/or sanctions. This includes, but not limited to, the following:
- Bus shelters
- Trashcans
- Walls
- Railings
- Bathroom stalls
- Benches
- Light posts
- Staircases
- Windows
- Doors
- Newspaper boxes
- Cars/windshields
Student organizations can make reservations requests for Tate Student Center promotional spaces through CRETS. Four banner spaces are available for weekly rentals in the Tate Breezeway, located between the Tate Student Center and the University Bookstore. Two banner spaces are available for weekly rentals on the bridge between the Tate Student Center and the Miller Learning Center. Ten wooden banner board spaces are available for rental in various locations around the Tate Student Center, Memorial Hall, and the Physics Building.
Bus Cards
All bus card requests are handled through Print and Copy Services. All bus cards must advertise an event sponsored by a registered student organization. The name of the sponsoring organization must appear on each poster. Print and Copy Services reserves the right to deny any bus card (based on a content-neutral approach). All bus cards will be posted by employees of Print and Copy Services.
For more information, review the Print and Copy Services or call 706-542-8493.
No Chalking
To prevent defacing of University property, the use of chalk to write messages, advertisements, etc. is prohibited at the University of Georgia. Any organization identified as having used chalk on the sidewalks, plaza, walls, etc. of University facilities and adjacent areas will be assessed an appropriate clean-up charge and may face organizational sanctions.
Lawn Signs
The use of temporary signage on campus grounds is not permitted by student organizations. For more information, contact the UGA Facilities Management Division at 706-542-7530.
Bulk Mailings
Postal Service regulations and University Housing policies govern the placement of materials in student mailboxes. All mailings must be posted through the U.S. Postal Service to be placed in student mailboxes. To send a mass mailing, a Bulk Mail Job Request Form must be submitted. Contact 706-542-3272 or for more information about this process.
Resources and Relevant Policies
Resources and Relevant Policies
- Agency Accounts
- Approval for use of UGA Trademarks and Logos
- Bulk Mail Request Form
- Bus Cards
- Campus Reservations, Event, and Technical Services Office (CRETS)
- Club Sports
- Code of Conduct
- Student Affairs Business Office
- Enterprise Information Technology Services (EITS)
- Facilities Management Division
- Food Purchasing
- Fundraising Tips
- Involvement Network
- Listserv Sign-Up Form
- New Listserv Request Form
- Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
- One-Time Allocations
- Policy for Programs and Activities Serving Minors
- Print & Copy Services
- Sample Constitution Template
- Solicitation Policy
- Student Activity Fee Guidelines
- Student Organization Support Request Form
- Ticket Sales
- Trademarks Policy
- UGA Student Complaints Portal
- Web Account Request form