Pandora's Mission

The mission of the Pandora Yearbook is to represent all aspects of student life at the University of Georgia and provide a pictorial record of the past, present, and future. In addition, the Pandora allows students to volunteer and gain invaluable leadership, design, photography, and marketing experience through teamwork.

Get Your Book Today!

Ordering the Pandora Yearbook is quick and easy! Orders can be placed by clicking the button below. Books are completed in May and shipped directly to your home by mid/late-August. The 137th volume of the Pandora Yearbook, titled Glory Days, is a 220-page hardcover publication. The cost of the 2023-24 book is $75 (including shipping). Yearbooks are on sale now through July 1, 2024.

To purchase the 2023-24 yearbook after July 1, 2024, please contact Kelsey Lane at Please note that supplies for the 2023-24 yearbook are limited.

Photography staff members are in charge of going to campus events and taking the photos necessary to complete the yearbook! They note the number of photos needed and how many are vertical or horizontal. 

No previous camera/photography experience is mandatory. Photography staff shoots portraits, sports, and editorials to bring the yearbook to life.

Join our Staff

The Pandora Yearbook allows any student interested in contributing to the book to join.

No prior experience is necessary, but it is preferred. The yearbook is divided into three different staffs: design, copy, and photography.

Each staff is led by an editor who oversees the development and vision for the book.

Membership Requirements

  • Commit to serving on staff for the entire academic year
  • Able to attend weekly meetings on Mondays at 5pm
  • Willingness to work/cover events on behalf of Pandora
  • Maintain professionalism while on assignments

Staff Descriptions

Photography Staff

Photography staff members are in charge of going to campus events and taking the photos necessary to complete the yearbook! They note the number of photos needed and how many are vertical or horizontal. 

No previous camera/photography experience is mandatory. Photography staff shoots portraits, sports, and editorials to bring the yearbook to life.

Copy Staff

The copy staff is responsible for creating all text within the book. Copy staff typically accompany a photographer at events to compile interviews, quotes, and establish background for the story or event.

Staff members then compile the information into a comprehensive article.

Design Staff

Under the direction of the Art Director, the design staff is responsible for executing the stylistic elements of the book. The staff members use templates to organize information within pages. 

Additionally, they are responsible for communicating with photographers and copy staff about the angle of the story and what information is needed from a design standpoint. Knowledge of InDesign is a plus, but not required to be a member of this staff.

Request a Photographer

In addition to creating the yearbook, the Pandora Staff is dedicated to documenting and commemorating moments in time at UGA. One of the ways we do this is through photographing events at no charge for student groups on campus. In addition to receiving a customized album with your images after the event, your images also go in our library to potentially be featured in the book. If you are part of an organization you love, take this incredible opportunity to be recorded and preserved in UGA’s history. 

Photography requests for event coverage must be submitted at least two weeks before your event date. While we try to fulfill every request we receive, please note that our ability to accept requests is dependent on the schedule of our photographers. You will receive a confirmation if we are able to shoot your event with the name and contact information for your photographer. If you have any questions, please contact our Photography Editor, Abigail Neises at

Outstanding Senior Leaders

Pandora Yearbook’s Outstanding Senior Leader award honors senior students who have gone above and beyond in their commitment to leadership, academics, campus involvement, and community service. This distinction is given to students who have upheld the traditions of UGA while making positive contributions to the greater Athens community. Winners of this award are recognized and honored for the legacy and last impact they left at UGA.

Students who earn this distinction are given a one page spread in the yearbook highlighting their accomplishments and contributions to UGA. In addition to this, they participate in a professional photoshoot for university publication, receive invitations to be recognized at the Student Organization Achievement Awards, and are provided with a free copy of the yearbook.

2024 Outstanding Senior Leaders


In 1886, representatives of the eight existing fraternities on campus worked together to create the first yearbook at the University of Georgia. Named after Greek mythology, Pandora, which means “she who has all gifts,” opened the box in which all the evils of the world had been suppressed. The evils of the world flew out to plague mankind, leaving only Hope inside the box. Today, the Pandora Yearbook continues to serve as a source of hope within our campus community and provides records of the past, present, and future at UGA. 

The yearbook began as a collection of the Greek students’ various roles and activities on campus, but has evolved over time. Beginning as a paperback book, much smaller in size than ours today, the first iterations of the book provided histories of each class, the school, and of the organizations at the University of Georgia. In recent years, a combination of photographs and written copy has prevailed and the book provides a more holistic view of student life. In 2010, the yearbook transitioned to a digital format distributed through a CD-ROM. It was the first in the SEC to make this switch and provided greater access to the book by removing the cost for students. In 2016, the yearbook transitioned back to an elegant coffee-table style book. As one of the oldest student organizations on campus, the Pandora Yearbook has continued to thrive and evolve to meet the needs of the students it documents. 


Photo of Kelsey Lane
Primary Advisor
Categories: Pandora Editors
Updated 5 months ago. Return to top.
Photo of Sabina Mace
Creative Director
Categories: Pandora Editors
Updated 1 month ago. Return to top.
Photo of Reese Conner
Design Editor
Categories: Pandora Editors
Updated 1 month ago. Return to top.
Photo of Liz Keene
Copy Editor
Categories: Pandora Editors
Updated 1 month ago. Return to top.
Photo of Austin Lusane
PR/Marketing Director
Categories: Pandora Editors
Updated 1 month ago. Return to top.
Photo of Abigail Neises
Photography Editor
Categories: Pandora Editors
Updated 1 month ago. Return to top.
Photo of Erica Lee
Categories: Pandora Editors
Updated 1 month ago. Return to top.