Annual Training Modules
The primary contact for a registered student organization is required to complete 4 Annual Training Modules and earn 100% on each of the 4 quizzes. These must be completed during the re-registration cycle AND when a new primary contact is appointed/elected by the organization. We encourage additional members of registered student organization to complete these trainings, as applicable, for helpful information on navigating UGA policies and procedures.
Funding and Fund Management
Learn about funding sources for registered student organizations and best practices for managing your organization’s funds.
While it is required that the primary contact for the organization complete this module and quiz, we also recommend assigning this module to officers or members that will handle funds for your organization.
Reservations and Events
Learn about the process and policies regarding booking spaces on campus for your organization’s meetings and events.
While it is required that the primary contact for the organization complete this module and quiz, we also recommend assigning this module to officers or members that will be reserving spaces for your organization.
Solicitation and Fundraising
Learn about how to host an effective fundraiser for your student organization while ensuring your fundraising activities follow UGA’s solicitation policy.
While it is required that the primary contact for the organization complete this module and quiz, we also recommend assigning this module to officers or members that will handle fundraising or events for your organization.
Trademarks and Promotion
Registered student organizations have access to use certain university marks, but only with prior approval. Learn how to request approval from UGA Trademarks for your organization’s name or promotional materials.
While it is required that the primary contact for the organization complete this module and quiz, we also recommend assigning this module to officers or members that will be designing promotional materials (apparel, banners, merchandise) for your organization.